Choosing first Kayak to build.

   Cant say enough about my shearwater 17 ,fast cruising speed with very little effort .handles chop and rough condition great ( i noticed racing when the chop picks up i start passing folks) its also comforatable and plenty stable

I used these and adjusted them up and down as needed.

   I just got a real nice detailed email from Terry Otis of CLC. He stated they may not have kits available for pick up unless i pre order before the fest. So if if want to save the 350.00 on shipping I will have to decide before we go. The reason we were going to go was to try them out to choose. He did state that they would start a sale a few days before hand. Anyone know if the sale price would come close to offsetting shipping charges?

 Typically not. 
Bet would cost less to make the trip twice from your TN home. I also think you should test drive a bunch before you decide. Just my opinion of course.

Assuming trip from central TN to CLC shop. That's about 1600 miles round trip. IRS says that the cost to a business for that trip (gas, vehicle wear & tear, etc.) is $880.

Let's say you think the IRS figures are too much. Assume 25 mpg and gas  averaging 2.50/gal. Just the gas for 1 round trip is $160. Then the length of the trip pretty much requires an overnight stop so add in the cost of a motel/hotel. Don't forget tolls. It's going to come pretty close, especially if you allow something for wear and tear on the car and the value of your time.

One option would be to buy wood, glass, epoxy, etc. at O-fest, then order plans once you decide which boat you like. That way you eliminate the shipping cost for the materials and the waiting time for the kits. Many of the boats use very similar amounts and types of wood and there are standard epoxy kits. As long as all your candidates are the same tech (S&G vs. stripper) you should be able to come up with a wood purchase that could accommodate a range of plans-built boats.

See you at O-fest,



   While not exactly the topic of the thread, it came up, so...

My wife and I have found the secret to happiness is to NOT be in the same boat.  We like to canoe, but have found more happiness in our separate kayaks.  Have you ever tried to stay together in a museum?  Not both interested in dwelling in front of the same display for the same length of time?  Pretty soon you find yourself in different rooms, or even different wings of the museum!  We find parallels in our time on the water; I choose the left bank to look behind the rock for a fish, she chooses the right bank to check out the water lilly flower - etc., etc..  Captains of our own ships, that's us.  So long as I save her a seat beside me at the evening campfire, all is well.

There have been instances where I've tied her bow line to my stern to give her a bit of a break at the end of a long day.  She doesn't get to quit paddling (at least I THINK she's still helping back there...) - but the gentle tug-along tow can make a big difference in overall effort required.  When my daughter was young I did the same for her sometimes while backpacking.

Of course if the objective is to put miles of water under the keel, maybe a tandem is the way to go.   Have to try that for the next boat.


I'm 6 foot 4, and weigh 205 lbs. A big boat like this fits me well. If I was smaller and didn't need a ton of room for cargo I'd probably choose the LT, or a Shearwater.


I hope my personal experience may add to your insight.  Good luck!

I built a Chesapeake 17 many years ago. I have never regretted it. It has been a wonderful boat. I mostly used it to paddle around Moro Bay (California), but have also used it for camping trips to the Channel Islands - Catalina, Anacapa, and Santa Rosa. The crossing to Catalina was 23 miles through big seas. I was glad to have such a fast, seaworthy, straight-tracking kayak, and glad to have the cargo-carrying capacity for all my gear and food. On one trip that included water for three days.


   The paragraphs in my previous post are out of order. When I hit return on my IPad it jumps to the top instead of the bottom. I guess I need to post with my laptop.