This is my first build, Chesapeke 17. Made a table, laid out the side and bottom panels to epoxy the scarf joints. Measured from the baseline several times, then double checked several times. Tacked down with 1" brads. Packing tape on the edges of all the scarf joints and wax paper (Arrghh!!) between the layers (as suggested in the manual and DVD). Applied epoxy - "don’t starve the joint" - let cure for 36 hours under pressure from scrap wood screwed into the table - it’s cold and rainy in Wisconsin right now. Now I have a mess. The wax from the wax paper is "stuck" to the epoxy, and the joints have a white hazy residue and bulges. I will have to sand, but am hesitant to do so as this will/may leave lines at best (I was hopeing to bright finish with varnish). I certainly don’t wan’t to sand to much and sand though the wood. Any suggestions out there? I’m desperate!
Sounds like the normal course of events. Now the joints need to be sanded smooth – to the wood surface, but careful not to sand into or through the veneer. A good quality random orbit sander with 150 grit paper is the right tool for the job. Once sanded, then glassed, the joint should be only a visible fine line. Congrats on your choice of a bright finish (vice paint). You’ll have a fine looking boat. Good luck. Jer, aka mtsailor
If you have a scraper you may want to try that if the epoxy is still not fully cured. It shaves the epoxy off faster than sanding and won’t cut into the wood as quickly.
I don't know if this will work for your current situation, but I have found that nothing works better than a good old wood rasp for taking down the rough spots or small bubbles in exoyy. I have a 10 inch long, one inch wide rasp that is flat on one side and rounded on the other that I have used for years in making furniture, it is great for knocking off extra exopy of rounding wood parts. I beleive it has saved me hours of sanding and a small fortune in sandpaper.
Thanks to all who replied. I am off to the garage to try and gently rasp, then gently sand my mess. I'm holding my breath....
Once again, thanks for the advice!