1st post - asking for sliding row seat TRIAL - Mid-Coast Maine

Hi All,

Looking forward to a 2024 CLC wherry build but I realize I need to get my head straight as to how practical the sliding rowing seat will be for me - a long time fixed seat rower. Lots of nautical miles under my various rowing hulls but I'm thinking that a sliding seat will be a very good upgrade.

Without any experience with such a rig though, I think I'd better try one before comitting to that style CLC. Anyone in the mid-coast Maine region willing to let me try theirs? Any style boat will be fine - it's the sliding seat I need to experience. 

Willing to travel some if you are generous and kind enough to give me some time on your boat. I'm centered on the Boothbay Peninsula. 

Thank you very much. I'm sure I will spend lots of time here among you.
















If you can't find someone to lend you a boat, a water rower rowing machine is a pretty good stand in. You can find those at fitness equipment dealers and gyms.


   Thanks Laszlo, I had wondered about that. Plenty of hours in those seats over the years but long ago. I gave up because the machines I used then were not adjustable for body types and so over time created more grief than benefit for me. 

I'll look around to see if there are some public available trials this summer - maybe LL Bean or Maine Sport.Outfitters.





There are many sliding-seat scullers out there, the majority of whom are not boat builders. Try a local rowing club, or Adirondack Rowing. Or maybe a local college rowing program could help. 



I may be able to help, I built a Wherry with a sliding seat a few years ago, I have been having a blast.  I also have a Concept 2 indoor rower that I use and do some instructing with.  

I'm in the Portland area and would be happy to connect and do a little rowing.  


Hi Tim,

Thanks for the offer. If you'll be around in late April - I would love to come join you for a short session. I'll contact you here again then or you can contact me at your convenience with email  HERE 

Cheers, Ray