1st timers sequence of operation question

With regards to cutting out hatches....

normaly you stain, glass, cut hatches....

however, I want to add a 1/4" walnut accent strip around the perimeter. So, do I stain the whole boat, glass it all, cut the hatches, add the outline, THEN carefully stain just the added bits and glass them? or would I cut them out first, add the outline bits, then stain and glass it all at once? I thought about glass on the inside of the hull first, then cutting, ect... But I don't want any epoxy to bleed to the outside where it would prevent the stain from, well.... staining. I just don't know how fragile or susceptible to warping the hatch area and lid would be without the fiberglass support.


go with the first sequence you mentioned....stain the whole boat, glass it all, cut the hatches, add the outline, THEN carefully stain just the added bits and glass them

but after you cut, epoxy the exposed wood prior to putting the trim on to ensure it is sealed..  this seal will prevent any bleed of the stain from the new piece to the hull.
