3D models?

I'm curious if to know if 3D models fo the CLC boats are available anywhere. I'd like to play with some ideas in SketchUp. Also, has John Harris written any articles on his boat design process? I wonder how he goes from 3D design to "unfolded" flatplan for plywood CNC.

Considering that the 3D models are the basis for the kits and plans which are CLC's bread and butter, I'd suspect not from CLC.

If you know someone who could give you access to their boat, you could take measurements, come up with a table of offsets and make your own 3D model. 

If you have the offsets, you can loft the boat and come up with your own developed panels.

Or, now that you know how much work it is, you could just buy a set of plans. That would also keep you clear of any licensing and ethical issues.

The internet is chock full of information about measuring boats, generating a table of offsets, lofting, etc. Even better are some of the books out there on how to design boats. There's also downloadable boat design software out there, ranging from free to mortgage the house in price.

Good luck,



No idea how the wizards at CLC do what you're asking on the front of getting to flat pieces, but "Unfold Tool" is something I've used in Sketchup to do it. It can be finnicky but I have definitely had success too. 



 Thanks for the advice. I've made an attempt at replicating the hull shape from photos and offsets I found online, but the results are barely recognizable. I'm going to try a Kinect 3D scanning app to create a quick-and-dirty model. I've seen the unfold tool for Sketchup, but I don't think that can handle true bezier curves. Unrollsrf in Rhino looks like it might do that. I'm not looking to reverse engineer CLC hull shapes - just curious to know how the pros do this stuff. 

   I agree it would be really fascinating to learn more about how this is done professionally.

I'm not sure what you mean by "bezier" but Unfold Tool will unfold surfaces generated by extruding arcs. If I were to use my sketchup background to build a boat, I would be extruding arcs, telling sketchup to find intersections, and unfold those. This method would also guarantee no torturing of plywood since it is bending in only one direction. This is the problem I had with Free!ship software; it would do this process easily but tortured the panels.

   I made a 1/10th scale model of the Skerry from the full size plans using 1mm plywood. I have to say it was tricky cutting those rebates on the hull planks!  I might make a scale Ches 17LT when I've finished the full size one.  :)