Hey folks,
I had always intended on adding spacered/scuppered inwales to my plans-built Passagemaker, but didn't take the time as I was in a hurry to finish it before moving to the USVI for six months. As it was, I was only able to take it sailing a handful of times before putting it up for long-term storage.
I'm thinking about adding spacered inwales when I get back, but there's a complication: I've already done a 1/4" round-over on the inside, which would cause a gap. I could either fill this gap with wood-flour epoxy or lower the spacered inwale by 1/4". Both of those options have aesthetic drawbacks, not to mention the hassle of trying to "sculpt" the epoxy.
I don't think it will matter, but I also covered the edge of the shear strake with the gunwale by creating a dado or lip (see pic below).
I've also painted the interior, so I'd probably sand that down to epoxy or wood.
Now that I've stated the challenges, I think I'll stick with it as it is, but it's an interesting prospect. Thoughts?