Hi All - first post in a long time. Just finshed my MC 16.5 and am starting construction of the akas and amas mostly per the sail rig plans.
Regading placement of the akas, I have seen pictures of MC16.5's with akas at different stations. Mostly I will be single handing, but I want it to be comfortable with two. Thoughts?
Sheet #10 of the plans shows the forward aka at the very front of the cockpit for the MC16.5. I'd recommend speaking to John Harris before deviating from that.
The sailrig is on my list as possible "rooftop" sailing solutions. I bought the plans but have not figured out exactly what I want. Maybe a Bootlegger with sailrig.
Hi Mark,
Thanks for pointing out the drawing on sheet 10. That placement makes the most sense, althought there are lots of variations out there.
Do you think having the leeboard hung off the aft end of the fwd aka is problematic (i.e., the leeboard is not far enough aft of the mast)?
I suspect that John was very carefyul regarding placement of the leeboard and advise against moving it without talking to him. Moving back will probably create lee helm which is a bad thing in a sailboat.
What are you doing regarding a rudder? Hopefully you are not trying to use a normal double kayak rudder. Read this article: https://www.clcboats.com/life-of-boats-blog/kayak-sail-fun-evolution-of-a-kayak-sailing-rig.html
OK - makes sense.
I am manufacturing the rudder per the sailrig plans, so should be good there....
Thanks for answering my posts.