Aligning registration numbers on Skerry

I need to apply registration numbers to a Skerry, and I’m having a hard time deciding if I should align them some constant distance from the bottom of the gunwale, or some constant distance from the bottom of the first strake.

At first I assumed it would make the most sense to align with the gunwale, but as I hold up the stickers (from BoatUS’s service, they’re all laid out nicely on a backing), it kind of feels like they should be aligned with the bottom of the strake… yet I can’t shake the suspicion if I do it that way, I’ll think it looks weird after a week.

Can anybody share pictures of how they applied reg numbers to their Skerry?

I decided to align with the gunwale. Looks good, although I may change my mind and regret it later – at least I can sail it now!

Passagemaker Dinghy with blocky registration ID aligned with gun’l:

Maybe it would look better splitting the difference between the gun’l for each character and the first plank lap, but the regulation sized block letters are just not pretty to begin with, you know?

You all need to move to a state that understands that not all boats need to be registered. Or lets you use a pretty font.


I’m rather pleased with how it came out.

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