Annapolis Single for a Newbie to Rowing?


Built a 14' stripper sailing scow about 40-odd years back. Know vastly more about working in wood now, desire something car-toppable that I can put in smallish lakes & similar where I live now for exercise & recreation.

Friend turned my head to CLC a few days ago, said "Annapolis Wherry" would be a good choice.

I certainly like her lines, think he's made a good point. I've never done any serious rowing but have had a WaterRower machine (vastly more enjoyable than a flywheel type) so not at all intimidated by the sliding seat rig.

These craft relatively easy yet challenging for a winter-build? I've used WEST System before for furniture but not watercraft.



The Annapolis Wherry kits are relatively easy to build but are still a challenge for an inexperienced builder. It's possible to assemble the entire hull in a week but that is rarely done except in one of the week long classes. You still have a lot of sanding, seat installation, more sanding, varnishing, sanding again, paint and outfitting. It would make a great winter build. And they are stunning boats. By the way, the week long hull assembly is based on a kit where all the rabbets are cut and holes are drilled, and the mortise and tennon bulkheads are there. Plans are going to take quite a bit longer as you have to source all the materials, cut all the pieces, scarf the panels together (the kit uses self aligning puzzle joints) drill the holes and then you're ready for the week long hull assembly. And you'd better have a bit of experience with a router and rabbet bit so your lap-stitch panels come out.

Have fun!

George K

Thanks George K, that's the kind of info I can work with!


"Kit" to my mind means 'ready-to-assemble' where from your comments I'd trust there's still a lot of fussing needed to get to the 'put-together' point?

I'm no stranger to routers (I have four at present) or even rabbeting with chisel & low-angle rabbeting plane, but hand tools are more useful on solid woods rather than ply I've found.

Comments from Annapolis builders welcome!



Ooops, I mis-read I think; the router stuff is for a scratch build, kit has all the fussy stuff done before it ships!

Yes, the router is needed only if building from scratch. It's a moot point on the AW single as there are no plans available, only the tandem has plans. So if you want a single you will definitely be building from a kit!  

George K



   Many years ago I acquired plans for one of Ian Oughtred's fine designs, a Whitehall pulling boat @ 16' at the waterline. After realizing this kind of craft would require a trailer, I reconsidered my objectives & fell upon his MacGregor sailing canoe. Have plans for that too, as well as several sheets of French 6mm Okoume plywood... but at this point a kit has an appealing aspect in that it'd get me onto the water in a more timely manner than 'scratching' out something worth my time & effort.

These CLC kits appear to be well thought out & popular among those who find themselves in a similar situation.

Disclaimer: The following is a blatent endorsement for CLC Boats.

The CLC kits are, in my opinion, the best ones on the market. Being one of their instructors it's a pleasure teaching a class where you know the parts are going to fit and go together quickly and efficiently. The thought put into their design makes it possible to have a room full of boats ready to be finished by the students at home in just five and a half days. That also makes it possible for the home builder to accomplish the same thing in just a few days longer. The manuals are as good as you can get, although there will always be some who may want more information. In that case just post here, there is a wealth of information here and some fantastic craftsmen willing to help.

Okay, shameless endorsement is done. Get a kit and get on the water!

George K