I launched my Hybrid Wood Duck 12 today. 7 months and 120 hours and it was all worth it. Delays uncluded a very cold Michigan winter and a broken wrist! I launched it for the maiden voyage in a retention pond in our Condo development. It was great fun and about 35 neighbors, friends, and relatives were on hand. I want to thank CLC and their tech support, this builder forum, and Lou Farhood who had me over to his house last fall to show me his Wood Duck hybrid. Check out pics at rodskayakadventure .blogspot.com
Congrats Rod! The WD looks great!
Really enjoyed following your blog, I hope you continue to update it with pictures from your outings with the WD.
Congratulations Rod! Looks as if Axel there could use a spray skirt (as well as a booster seat). What a great way to celebrate the 4th.
Welcome tothe fleet,
Hi Rod.
Your kayak looks Great !!! I can't wait to paddle next to you and your new Duck. Donna and I just got back from Lake Fenton with the maiden paddle for our Guillemot.
Have a blast with the Duck and we will get together soon.
Lou & Donna.