What did you use for the borader/pin stripe around the fabric? That is some very nice work there.
Good to hear from you Luca, I thought you were swimming with the fishes. I used 1/8" 3M pinstriping tape, available at auto parts stores, over the cut edge of the cloth and under the fiberglass. PS. Watch your back! SEEYA Jack
Jack, for the handle between the pads, did you just put a backer block behind the top panel and then router out after the fact? if so, how did you work around the center stiffner strip and did you put any extra bracing in, how large was the block you used? Thanks.
Mike, Yes to your question sort of. Not a backer block but I built a 4 sided box inside dian. 3/4" x 4" as tall as the board is thick, with the 2 end pieces concave on the inside so the box was rounded on the inside ends. I installed it just aft the center rib but that proved too far back so if I did it again I'd center it on the rib by cutting a slot in the rib to receive the box. Mark where the top of the box will fall on the deck and drill a pilot hole in the center to receive a flush cutting bit after the deck is in place. I routed out the slot and then rounded it over with a 1/8" roundover bit. Good paddling. SEEYA Jack
i like the paddle! tell about the hollow fir shaft... do you actually hollow a dowel or create a hollow "tube" via a glue up then shaping round?
i should read better
Hey Jacknlin.
I was planning to use your pinstripe idea and for some reason I thought I read someone else say that they put it on last - over the final varnish coat. I now see you put it under the fiberglass which makes more sense to me. Too late however as I fiberglassed already and am sanding now. Think I should put it under the varnish coats?
Yes, as long as you encapsulate the tape in the varnish completely. Try not to sand through the varnish on All coats and it should be all good. Enjoy paddling. SEEYA Jack
That does make some sense. I heard someone say that once before (maybe you) but then started wondering if I need to try to protect that tape under some sort of finish or not? What you are saying makes sense, and I was wondering if varnish was going to just slip off of the pinstripe material. I will try it on top and hope for the best. As you say....if I damage the tape I can always replace it.