CA joints only and not use Epoxy like seen in video

I've watch Nick Schades video of stitching the hull of the Night Heron.  He uses CA glue to tack weld the puzzle joints.  It shows him laying fiberglass cloth with epoxy ontop.  My question is that in the instructions is says the joints need to be fiberglassed with glass tape.  Again in his video it shows he didn't.

Quod licet Jovi, non licet bovi? :-)



Some shortcuts work out, some do not.  Personally, being unable to breathe water, when it comes to building boats I like to stick to techniques that have been proven over time.

The CA glue technique is the one specified in the manual for the S&G Petrel and Petrel Play.  Use of CA glue allows you to very prevcisely control the alignment of the puzzle joint by holding it perfectly flush, and applyiung glue (and spritz) one or two drops at a time.  The CA glue is strong enough that you actually tack the entire boat together with CA and cut/remove the wires prior to fillets and glass.  On those boats, there is no glass tape over the puzzle joints, but there is a layer of glass over the entire inside of the hull and deck.

If the S&G NH has a layer of glass over the joints, I suspect that the FG tape is not really needed. 

From my PP build per Nick's manual.  Entire deck glued together with CA and wires removed.  Note artisitic puzzle joints on the shear just forward of the cockpit. 

Glass freshly applied over deck interior.  From the amount of seepage through the puzzle joint, it is obvious that it got plenty of epoxy.


  " Quod non licet bovi, licet Iovi"    Welll put, however to be permissible in this juncture for only one could still be eitherway permissible to all.....To the gentleman that shared his pictures and explaination.  Thank you.  I am convinced.  Ive used CA for many years.  It is strong enough and more so when it is glassed  indirectly while glassing the inside of the hull.  Thanks




Not sure why it did not show my username, but you are welcome and good luck.  Mark N, Jax FL