Well, I finally got around to a controlled capsize in the dory. The first flip is with standard under seat flotation specified in build manual. Pretty much had to stand on the rail to send it over. Positive buoyancy from the under seat foam is pretty impressive.
The one problem I had was the screws holding the forward most seat pulled free. That’s a pretty good indicator of the buoyancy generated by the small blocks of foam under that seat. I’ll replace the original #8 screws with longer #10s. Will also probably have to drill the pine cleats and epoxy in hardwood dowels for a better grip. The pine just isn’t hardy enough.
Second test has more flotation added. Beach rollers are lashed in at aft gunnels. While not specifically designed as flotation they add lots of buoyancy and are made of white water raft material - very tough. I lashed an air bag designed for the bow of a white water canoe. Being designed in a 3D shape it fits the dory’s bow section fairly well and provides a substantial amount of flotation.
Dagger trunk top is clear of the flooded boat by two inches with just the standard flotation. The boat is also pretty stable. Addition of auxiliary flotation raises the trunk top an additional inch or two above water level in flooded boat. Additional flotation also makes it a bit harder to capsize. It tends to hang on the gunnels longer before going the rest of the way over. The boat is stable enough to easily stand in when flooded. Aux flotation increases stability a bit. Bailing the flooded boat took ten minutes with a canvas bucket. I tried several techniques before settling on a good method (for me).
A most surprising finding is the ability to keep water flooding out after the boat is righted. Upon righting the boat is pretty full. Healing a bit to one side allows the buoyancy under the seats to keep lifting the boat as water slips over the side. Patience is your friend, at least in calm water.
Posting photos here is a pain and I’m lazy so here’s a link to a Flickr album. Click the thumbnails to read description of what’s going on.
Hope this helps someone.