I have a 17lt I built 8 years ago. This season I am using it alot. I have a honda accord 4 door with yakima load bars / rack with 4 hulley rollers. My question is ...is this bad to use rollers?
I am worried about when I tighten the straps down for highway speeds that they will push in on the bottom of the kayak. Would cradles be better which ones ?
I side load ( attempt to) the kayak so the rollers are really not even needed. Are the rollers front and back ok ?
What do you use ? pics?
I have a chesapeake 16 and Yakima bars. For side loading I have been happy with my Malone Autoloaders. They fit the shape of the boat well and are setup in such a way to leave lots of space for other stuff. The original straps that came with them were not so great and tended to slip. The company has good service and replaced them at no charge. I think that issue has been corrected. I also bought the Yakima boat loader which makes getting the kayak up on top of the truck at the end of a long paddle easy.
I have the same setup, yakima and rear rollers with mako pads up front for my shearwater 16.
The rollers will not be a problem. I have them very close together to catch the bow as soon as possible when loading.
No need to go crazy overtightening things.
I couldn't pass up a deal on the same set up as yours. My only concern is whether the curved Mako saddles will conform to the hull of my CH 17LT well enough to make a secure connection. Have you had any problems with your Shearwater in this regard?