Hey all- I'm getting ready to build up my first boat, and I wanted to pick some more experienced brains to level out my learning curve-
I'm building a chesapeake 17 lt, and I wonder;
1) What is the MOST DURABLE hull treatment yet devised for this boat? I live and paddle around Seattle and the San Juans, LOTS of rocky beaches and hardcore gravel landings, far from the soft sandy beaches of my native Maryland. I'm planning on painting the bottom (bright, bright "here I am, my boat is upside down" mango) so a lovely wood finished hull is not an issue. (I will be leaving the deck bright) I don"t mind a small amount of extra weight, the durability is worth the trade off to me, but I don't want it to weigh out the same as anti-aircraft plating. Thoughts?
2) Has anyone ever tinkered about with the volume of this boat? I wouldn't mind a little bit more capacity, but I don't want as much volume as is found in the regular Chesapeake 17. Has anyone ever tried to split the difference between these two boats? Given the choice, I'd lean towards the 17Lt just because the lines are so pretty, but I'm just askin'
Any info much appreciated-