Chesapeake Double Launched

After 17 months of evening and wekend work we finally launched our Chesapeake Double. It was a father and daughter project which doubled as a school project. Because of this we had a deadline to meet and some of the finishing touches are not on it (rudder block/holder and jam cleat for lifting line. It is named after a seaside suburb in Dunedin, NZ rather than a large flat brown mushroom.


Building it has been great fun as well as a steep learning curve. We can't wait to get it out for some extended trips around the harbour. As I have read on other posts, I can see the mistakes, blemishes, drips/runs and strayepoxy blobs, but others say it looks great. 


Thanks for the help from fellow forum posters as well as Karin and Steve from Cape Boat Works in Australia. I plan to post construction photos once I get organised.


Well done, what a great way to spend time with your daughter!


Nice job! Great to know you and your daughter will use it togather. My daughter and I have put a lot of miles on ours and there's room for enough gear to go to Christchurch. SEEYA Jack

Wonderful daughter-father project.  Awesome school project.  I just hope she gets extra credit for having to build the second cockpit for her dad.  :)