Chesapeake Double middle deckbeam mismatch

Hi There,
I have a qusetion about the middle deckbeam in my Chesapeake double kit. Having planed the sheer clamps and got to a point of wanting to install the deck soon I have become increasingly disturbed by the ill fit of the middle "plywood deckbeam". I checked all the parts against the plans prior to installation, and triple checked the placement before installing. It now seems there will be a clear gap between the underside of the hull and the top of the deckbeam. I cant plane further into the sides to make it fit as I have already planed quite far enough, and it would introduce a buckle in the deck if I tried to make it attach to thi beam. Is this normal? Should I build it up with some scrap ply strips?



The gap you are seeing is not a problem at all. Proceed with the deck installation and fill the gap with a fillet. 

Back a few years ago, when I was a customer of CLC. A Chesapeke Double was my second boat build. I had the same gap as you. A quick fillet was all it took to close the gap and afix the beam to the bottom of the deck.

I just re-read my post. Silly me, it sounds as if I am no longer a customer. It should read, "Back a few years ago, before I became an employee of CLC"

Moral to the story, coffee before posting........

Cool, Thanks for that,



I think I see what you're saying with the gap. If you want, just rip and laminate on some pieces of the scrap shear clamp material you have left over and plane it to the correct deck radius. Or, just strap down the deck real good where you have that gap. The deck will have a little more shape as a result and will still look fine. Might even look better. ;-)