Chester Yawl - Filleting the Frames and Bulikheads

I'm struggling with the assembly guide for the Chest Yawl and the sequence of events.  I currently have the boat flipped over and have fiberglassed the keel, and stem.  I am now cutting out the stitching on the entire hull in preparation for an epoxy coating.  One of the center frame/bulkhead is now loose except for the bulkhead tabs that are epoxied to the bottom of the hull.  As I read forward in the instructions, those won't be filleted until after attaching the rub rails.  This does make sense to me; am I wrong?

After consulting with CLC, I am replacing the stitching on the frames. I will then flip the boat back over and fillet the frames to the hull.

  Johannes, thank you for the response but it is water over the dam now.  I have already finished the seams and coated the exterior hull with one coat of epoxy, per instructions.  While sanding the first coat, I noticed I have a small opending in one seam and then looked under the boat which is resting on saw horses and see that all of the frames no longer attached to the hull.

Question to you and others, should I flip the boat now and deal with the frames or keep moving forwared following the "instructions"?  Am I going to be able to pull the hull back into the frames without extensive damage to more seams?

And to CLC, please update these instructions, they no longer pertain to the kit your sell!

   That guide surely leaves plenty of things to be desired. I installed the bulkheads, then fiberglassed the interior, then I installed the remaining two frames. I added fillets to the bulkheads / frames before installing the rub rails. I'd recommend doing so as once the rub rails are on, there's no fixing  any missalingments between the planks and the frames. Filleted frames also help with the clamp weight brought in when installing the rub rails.