Lots of good information on construction of the Chester Yawl but very little on how it actually rows in various conditions with the exception of a post from a couple of years ago that was not encouraging. How well does the boat handle a cross wind or moderate waves? How is the stability? Weathercocking a problem? Would like to see a brief discussion before buying.
I am extremely happy with my CY. I have the three row stations.
I also put a piantedosi rowing seat with the associated spoon blade oars. It works extremely well and exceeds my sliding row seat abilities and especially desire to use one ... So, I took mine off.
When I row solo from the mid station, the CY does beautifully. She takes little to no efforts to move, she tracks like she is on rails, and handles moderate chops or crosswind with ease, without any weathercocking tendencies.
When you start adding passengers, you may need to start thinking about weight and balance and placement based on your own weight and passenger size.
I used to row from the mid position with my young son on the bow seat, and it was perfect. When taking an adult, though you're better off having your passenger on the aft seat and row from the mid or forward station, depending on the aft passenger size. If you put a heavy adult on the bow seat, it lifts the skeg partially out of the water, and you're in for a wild ride trying to keep her going straight in any kind of wind besides calm.
When my wife and I both row, we then use the aft and forward stations to row from, with the heaviest person sitting at the aft oarlocks.
The CY is light, easy to move through the water, tracks straight, and is just a pleasure to row for as long as you wish to stay on the water. With the removable sliding row seat, it gives you even more possibilities and is then both stable and fast.
I took it to Oriental, NC on a pre-hurricane 27 Knots wind day, and it slices through the waves with complete ease, and no fear whatsoever of being broadsided. Such is my experience, so far.