Chester Yawl Hull Repair

I have a 15 ft. Chester Yawl which was kit built by a friend of our family. The builder passed away a couple years ago & his wife gifted it to us. The boat sits on a trailer in our yard & is rarely used so we want to sell it so someone else can enjoy it. Upon uncovering it I discovered that the bottom hull is in need of repair with some delamination of whatever the guy used to cover the planks. He may have used fiberglass cloth bedded with epoxy, I don't know. It's not a huge area & I scraped off the loose material. My question is what is the best way to repair it? Can I use something like West System epoxy rolled onto the bare areas or do I need to glass the bare areas in using fiberglass? Is so, what type? I'm no expert in glass work but I have some experience repairing a fiberglass runabout that I once owned. 

It's a beautiful boat & the topside & interior is in great shape so I don't want to botch this. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

"Best way" is pretty subjective given the experience of the viewer and the particular damage to be repaired. If there was fiberglass there that you scraped away, by all means use new cloth when performing repairs is indicated.

BUT if your confidence level attempting some such operation's greater than your experience doing similar, you might best just 'leave it alone' and advertise your gift as "as is". This way you don't risk doing more harm - albeit well-intentioned - than good, and any prospective purchasers don't have reasons to question your skills or materials used.

If you were going to keep and use this yawl you'd be in a better position to attemp the repair, in that you'd be the one living with it and appreciating the success of accomplishment from the undertaking.

   Thanks for replying. I was thinking along the lines of selling it "as is". In a way I wanted to do it justice for the guy who built it, but I don't want to make it worse. It's a beautiful boat like I said & I haven't see any around these parts so I'll have to figure out what to ask for it. 

You're most welcome.

If you're new here, you may not know of an outlier feature here where you can post messages about boats & gear that are in need of new ownership:

Depending on your location, and what interest there night be for your wounded CW locally, putting up a post just might help you resolve your dilemma.

Best of luck in pursuit of your goals.


   I'll look into that forum. Thanks for the tip!

For the benefit of folks who actually want to do a repair, CLC boats typically use woven fiberglass cloth for covering bottoms. This is to provide abrasion resistance, waterproofing, structural integrity and strength. The cloth is laminated with epoxy. CLC is mostly a MAS epoxy shop, but West and System Three work just fine, too. What you want is a low-viscosity high modulus, 2:1 ratio resin and slow hardener.

Depending on the boat, the weight of the glass and the number of layers may differ. The Chester Yawl uses 6 ounce glass, which is heavier than the 4 ounce used for kayaks. I don't know how many layers it uses on the bottom,

The extra weight indicates that the glass is serving an important function so it shouldn't be skipped. Just epoxying the bare patch would likely ruin the boat.

Basically, the bare patch should be cleaned off - all loose material removed and the whole area sanded to #120 without removing the outer veneer. The old glass should be firmly bonded at the edges. If not, remove that until you get to a good bond. The existing edges should be tapered with #220 sandpaper.

Once the base area is ready, cut a glass patch the is at least 2 inches wider all around than the bare spot and laminate it onto the bare spot, overlapping onto the original glass. After that it's the usual filling the weave and sanding routine. If the edges of the patch are carefully feathered, it will be an invisible repair.

If this seems daunting to a potential repairer, then selling the boat as-is is the right thing to do.
