CLC Sail Rig: Sail Size

Hey all,   I have been pondering the thought of sail size for my CLC Sail rig which is currently under construction.  Now, There are 55 and a 40 sq ft. sails.  I know CLC has done a lot of configurations for selecting the correct sail for this rig.  Would it be a bad choice if I considered using a 55 sq. ft. sail for a single CH17 Kayak?  My mind says, more sail, more speed, more fun!! My Logic says, possible catastophy due choosing too large a configuration. T

In the end, I am thingking the 40 sq.ft. sail is the way to go since this is what the plans call for.  I would love to hear everyones thoughts.


I use a Klepper S4 sail setup with my sailrig which is on a single kayak.  It is about 55 sq feet and and I would say that it is definitely not too much sail.  However, that being said i have the ability to either drop the jib or the main to reduce sail if the wind picks up.  So it might be a good idea to make sure whatever sail you use can be either furled easily or reefed.  

Unless you know for a fact you will only be sailing in light air, you should go with a 40 sq for a single. The sails use a sleeve to attach it to the mast. This precludes reefing or dousing of any kind. I've got a triple kayak with the 55 sq sailrig and there are times when I wished I had less sail, especially out in the ocean.

If you flip in ocean swells I think you'll have one hell of an adventure getting the kayak w'sailrig back upright.

Thanks for the replies guys.
Casey do you have a picture with your Klepper S4 sail setup?  I like the idea of having a jib. Its great to know that you have tried this set up.  Is there anything you would change or are you very happy with this rig?  

I have one more idea.  I spoke with someone who is very experienced in sailing in my area, he recommended getting a windsurf sail and mast off eBay.  I have done some more research and I think that is may work well. I am willing to give it a try, what do you guys think??


 I just saw your message of Jan. 26 asking for a photo.  Let me try to post one here:

You can a lot more at my website: 


Casey, That is absolutely beautiful!!  What an inspiration, thanks for posting the pic.  What do you think about my post wher I might use a windsurfer sail?

I wish you could see the entire photo.  I think your windsurfer sail should work fine.  If I was going to go back and build another sailrig setup, I would probably adapt it to work with the rig that goes with the Hobie Adventure Island.  It is a roller furling, boomless sail that is unstayed and super efficient and easy to use.  

Laszlo, thanks for resizing the photo for me.  How did you do it?  


CLC desperately needs to update their 10 year old forum software.  


No problem. When you insert the image, there's 2 size fields in the dialog box which get filled in after the image URL is set. Turns out you can override the size fields to scale the image. So I just copied your URL and scaled it to 500x375. 500 is the max the forum will display, the 375 is what it took to maintain the correct aspect ratio of your original 800x600 image.

I'm with you on the software update. The main thing that bugs me is that the width of the active text area is fixed, so my 24" monitor can only show the text and images through through a tiny 4" porthole. One final thing - with some browsers you can right-click on the image and get a pop-up with a "View Image" option. Selecting that will allow you to see the entire image, unscaled if it was scaled. Which brings up the silliness of the forum software again. It's not saving any bandwidth since it's serving up the entire image to your computer. It's only limiting the viewable size of the image. But it's really great for 1980's EGA monitors.

Anyway, enough software rants. Nice boat & sail rig you've got there. Bet it scoots right along.




   You make a good point, I really like the hobie adventure island set up. Its tough to find a used set up without  buying the whole rig with kayak and all.  My goal is to get the mast and sail all rigged for less than $300.  


Casey, beautiful job on the sailing rig, I hope mine turns out half as nice ;)

Two questions on the detail photo of the small hatch.  there are two small round holes outboard of the mast hatch, are they locator pins for the out rigger arms or does it through bolt?  Also, fore and aft of the mast on the centre line you have little "dashes" that look like Pauna shell inlays, what are they?



The small round holes are for through bolts that attache the outriggers.  I wanted something different than the CLC specified lashing system as I did not want eyebolts to be sticking out of the boat when I was using it as a kayak.  Also, yes, those are Paua shell inlays.