Cockpit & deck mods

Hi everyone, 

I am curious what sorts modifications and customizations folks have made to their cockpits and decks. Dusty Mark's recent post about installing his deck bag made me wonder. I am particularly interested in what you have done to Wood Ducks. Fishing rod holders? Innovative deck line arrangements? Super comfy seat? Electric fridge to keep the beer cold? 


I used the Creature Comfort seat and made invisible hatch hold-downs. Details at:

Building a Wood Duck 12

Have fun,



   I followed Lazlo's lead with the flush hatches on most of my builds, 5 so far. I also like the carbon fiber straps for attaching bungies and deck lines. I followed KathyP's idea for two 3 inch cleats closest to the coaming to tie off bow/stern/anchor lines.

 If you build a day hatch and put a couple of holes in the bottom of the compartment and only paddle in cold water you could keep the beer cold there.  

I do not like the idea of cleats on deck because of the risk of catching when trying to re-enter the kayak from the water.


I am trying to put the deck forms in place for my wood duck 10. Is there any tricks to it? When I put the second form in the first one pops out. Do you have to taper forms where they meet the hull? Any tips would be appreciated