Completed Project - C17LT

Thanks to Lazlo and everyone that posted such helpful tips on the Builder's Forum and Tips for Boat Builders. My first build went very well and needless to say I'm extremely pleased with the finished product. Yesterday's maiden voyage on a small local lake was pure bliss as the boat handled incredibly well and the compliments I got from people at the lake made all the work worthwhile! Thank you CLC for producing a kit of such high quality and providing the support and instruction to make the concept of building your own kayak a reality.

BTW - Where do you go to post a picture of your kayak? The "Insert/Edit Image" icon doesn't provide for pasting a .jpeg.

Chris Michaelson


A couple of photos of the final product.Chesapeake 17LT


Great looking boat.  Wish any of mine looked that good.



What a beauty!  I hope my in-process C16 turns out half as nice!  I like what you did with the stripe around the deck to mask the nails.  I was thinking of something similar, but didn’t know how it would look (now I do!).  I would assume you painted first and then varnished around it afterward?  


Thanks for the compliment! I actually varnished first and then painted on the stripe to cover the nail heads. A friend of mine that did the deck artwork has a sign shop and he supplied me with One-Shot pinstriping paint that did exactly that, went on in one simple, smooth coat. He said it's very durable and should hold up well. If not, there's always another buildto consider!


Looks really nice, Chris. You even got it done in time for most of summer and a full fall's worth of paddling.Got any close-ups of that artwork in front of the hatch?

Well done,


PS - to post pictures, right click on the image at flickr and get its properties. You'll end up with a URL like Kim posted above. Copy everything from the left up to and including the ".jpg" suffix, click on CLC's "Insert/edit image" button and paste the URL into the "Image URL" edit box. If everything's happy, clicking on the dimensions will show some numbers.




Congratulations, your kayak looks extra nice. Mine is a Great Auk and it to will be finished in a week or so. I have one question. What is it you used to attach your bungy cords to the deck with. Are they the stainless nuts and bolts that came with your kit? have you a closer picture of your attachment points?




Thanks for the tip on posting photos from Flickr. I'll give it another shot and try to upload some pictures of the deck art and bungee attachments. You'll notice that I used the brass screws and finish washers as instructed in the manual and made loops using the webbing. You might also notice that I used some extra webbing to make hatch strap holders by cutting some webbing to length, folding it over on itself and securing it using contact cement. I even used the pressure from the secured hatch to hold them down while the contact cement set.


CONGRATS!!  You did a beautiful job!.  I think the the black stripe really gives it a nice look. 

Question, Did you put the decal on after or did you epxoy or varnish over it?


Thanks. The decal was applied after the epoxy and varnish were completed. 



Excellent work!  Did you varnish over your paint?

Chris -

Did you have to do any prep work before you painted the stripe over the varnish?



Nice job. Glad to see somebody as anal as I am, i.e. all the screw heads line up. Your light switches are probably the same way.

George K

Great Job,

I have not posted yet, I am in process with a C17LT.  I have the stitching almost done.  It looks like a boat and has been a great fun project so far.

I am getting a bit anxious about getting the sheer clamps to the angle they have to be.  So far, it seems to be a step that truly requires wood working skills.  I am guessing I want to plane the outside edge down to the side panels.  I guess my mind is too far ahead of my project but any thoughts would be appreciated. 



Don't get too worried about planing those sheer clamps... if you can push a low-angled block plane in a straight line, you'll do fine (note - holding it at a 45 degree angle to the cut makes it easier to push).  The bulkheads and deck beam give you good reference lines to work from.  Just do the section in between the cockpit last, where you have to transition from fairly sharp to much lesser angle... mine went very well.  Also, when you get out to the last 2 feet from either end, the clamps are nearly flat.  Mine had quite an angle to them up to the last 6 inches and when I secured the deck it left a gap where the plywood didn't curve so much on those areas.  Simple fix with some epoxy filler, but would've rather had the joint be tighter.

Pics on my post (Chesapeak 17 (LT Modified).

Good luck, and yes - it's a great project!


Didn’t do any special prep on the varnish before painting the black stripe using "One-Shot" sign painter’s paint. Thanks for noticing the screw heads lined up and yes, the wall plate switches in my house are all lined up the same way. (Is there any other way to do them?) LOL