Deck on Triple built from plans.

Just instslled the foot pedals and deck on the triple I have had going for a years or so. Missed something getting the plywood down to a couple of the deck beams and bulkheads but resolved with shims and thickened epoxy. Just about all I could do at that stage. I'm thinking I could have been more dillegent setting the beams in their positions and checking final radius.

Other then that all is well.

 One more pass to fill the cloth and touch up with the sander and then recoat the whole kayak. I hate the extended hazardious work getting the surface too pretty so I live with a few inperfections.

Now the garden can get some weeding :-)

Great that you're back at it, Rusty.  Reading your update is probably encouragement to a number of us who are, like you, taking the slow road.  It is to me anyway.

That Triple should be a really cool boat when you're done.

I have the same problem on the John's Sharpie (getting the ply to lie down properly because the bulkhead other bits are not lining up parallel).

I've thought about using shims and goo, as you did, but have been hesitant to move forward with this approach.  ("Something's wrong...but not knowing which part is wrong, this may be exactly the wrong fix, and may cause the whole deck to turn into a bent mess .")

Your note has convinced me to charge ahead with the shims and goop approach.

I just checked out the Sharpie. You are doing a pretty superb boat. I have been looking at the sail boats, Jimmy Skiff, San Devilins Nancies China and one of Selway Fishers for a future project. For now I have to get that triple done then get on with a Wood Duck 12, which my wife will probably doing most of.

I work fully time in the heavy repair industry. I have to keep checking that "one fit only" mentality. Wood and epoxy and a little imagination within reason will just about see one through any bulunering emergency.
