Eastport pram gaps at bow and stern

We have the wiring done but I wanted to get some feedback on whether these gaps were too big and we should readjust.  

Here's a picture:

As you can see panel #1 isn't quite set in the groove of the transom.  We've tried unwiring a set of wires near the transom and pushing things into place, but upon rewiring the same phenomenon seems to occur.  This is as close as we've gotten it on several tries.  The question is...how close should this be?  and if this isn't close enough, are there any tricks to getting it closer?  

In case the image is not viewable above, here is a link to https://imgur.com/gallery/LLjNmcS. I'd be happy to post more pictures if anyone thinks that maybe the problem stems from a misalignment somewhere else that we can't see.  




I have never built the Eastport pram, but there is a good thread on the Woodenboat forum  (forum.woodenboat.com) by a lady called Denise who did. If I remember correctly she had similar issues which she resolved. Might be worth a look. The thread is called CLC Eastport pram - is starts in April 2019. I would post a link but I'm technically challenged in that way.




I've built both the EP and the PM.  A purist might say to loosen a bunch of stitches and gradually tighten them all down to try to close that gap.  If you blow out any stitch holes doing that, you're going to be worse off than you started.  The interior fillets will definitely fill that gap as it is.  Even if you finish the transom(s) bright, you're going to need to cover the plywood edges once they're trimmed flush.  Only you know how tight those stitches are.  Also, the lapstrake "laps" are more important.  If your "inside V's" are good, then I'd leave it.  You don't want any epoxy dripping into the interior.

   Just to renforce CaptainSkully's comments.  I finished a EP this spring (just put in the water this past week when my grandkids got here) and had the same problem.  The inside fillets take care of any leaks and I filled any gaps with thickened epoxy and sanded before I finished.  Mine is finished bright and you really have to look close to see any gaps.  Good luck and have fun.  Bill E

Dillon M. offered up the pithy tome "1/8" is close enough for stitch'n'glue" months ago when I was stitching up panels on my Waterlust.

I don't think it matters a whit what kit you're at, the sticky goop will keep it all together, the water where it belongs when the time comes.

   Thanks Everybody!  

We gave it one more try at getting that gap down by taking a few wires out that connect the transom to the planks and resetting it.  And...it worked!  We got that gap elminated.  I hadn't realized that the transom was slightly forward too much in that corner and was causing the problem.