I’m getting ready to do the fillets and fiberglass on the interior of my NED. When I lay the glass in the interior, do I try to do it while the filets are still wet or should I wait 4ish hours until they are no longer tacky to lay it and wet it out? Also, should I then do a couple more coats to fill the weave before moving on to the exterior. Would this also be a good time to add a couple coats of epoxy to the entire interior? The manual says to just do the wet out of the glass and then flip it to move onto the exterior. Thank you for any help y’all can offer.
To my memory, the manual doesn't have you trying to lay the glass on soft filets, and to my memory I didn't do that. You'll want your filets to look very nice and stay that way, and that will be hard with so many "moving pieces" and trying to get the glass cloth to lay in nicely without making a mess of a soft filet with brushers and scrapers while wetting out the glass - not to mention a lot of rapid-work timing issues necessary to accomplish it all. You don't really even need the filets to be "green" (4hrs old) to lay the cloth. You can do all the filets in the shole interior first (saves on a lot of waste), then make sure they are all good, no lumps or drips, and even days later lightly sanded everywhere before going on to laying cloth. I think you'll get a neater, more efficient job that way.
Note that this is all different than you do with laying fiberglass tape onto a still-soft filet. But that's different and not what you're doing here.
Absolutly no reason not to finish out all of your fill coats and sanding on the interior prior to the flip. You COULD do the paint/varnish prior to the flip, but I'd hold all final finishes until the vey end. Better to be all done with glassing, epoxy coating, sanding, etc. on the whole boat, including seats, sail rig, etc. and then do your final finish coating work in a shop that you've cleaned well and shifted over into the paint/varnish mode (rather than shifting in and out of construction mode) prior to doing final finishes.
   Thank you Bubblehead, I think this answers all of my questions for moving forward with this step. It’s nice to have such a good resource for questions as they arise.