I was all set to put a finishing coat of epoxy on the hull of my 16LT project when the pump for the hardener seemed to be dispensing a good bit of air along with the resin. The 1:1 pump ratio clearly was not going to be a good measure for mixing, but I was already into the process, and I happened to be using a graduated mixing bucket, so I took note of the resin level and tried to gauge the correct amount of hardener that way, assuming a 2:1 ratio.
I fear I may have been wrong. This morning, the epoxy had not set completely and was still quite sticky, though no longer fluid. On the one hand, it was rather cool here last night (low 40's), so that may have retarded the reaction somewhat, and by this afternoon, all may be well and good.
On the other hand, I may have a problem. No doubt others have had this happen, so no doubt there are myriad solutions; but I'm looking for "the answer", and it doesn't have to be the easy way. I'm quite prepared to take a gallon of acetone & steel wool & clear all of this sticky mess off if that's what it's going to take.