Fabric Decorations

I am building a Kaholo. The manual suggests that you should apply the fabric decorations and fiberglass for the deck at the same time.

Does anyone have experience with putting on the fabric, and then the glass at a later time? next day or so?

I plan to do it all at the same time, but as we all know sometimes other things get in the way of my building time, and I just am wondering if it would be a major issue to come back later with the fiberglass




putting the fabric in place and soaking it in with epoxy doesn't take very long at all so it would be most natural to just continue on with the fiberglass.   Only reason you really put the fabric on and epoxy it is to keep it in place while you put the fiberglass over it.   Can't take more than a few minutes to do the fabric part so if you don't have the time to then put down the fiberglass than I would just wait till you have the time.   Even the fiberglass part doesn't really take that long.

just finished mine!   Can't wait to get it in the water but it is still really cold here.

Thanks, Thats kind of my thinking also. Get the fabric cut and ready to go and it will only add a few minutes to the process



Correct.   Get some good lighting and look extra careful for any air bubbles under the fabric or anywhere under the fiberglass really.   I had poor lighting and missed a couple.  Not a big deal but it is easy not to see them - especially when the fabric is concealing them.    Creates problems later however when you start sanding and have a hump in the fabric and then you run the risk of sanding into the fabric.

Yeah I missed a couple! Very hard to see when you are doing. Kind of bummed but. Having got over a few other boats getting scratched and still being oohed and awed by everyone that sees them. I am thinking these little bubbles wont catch anyones attention but me!!




That is true David.   Will still look way better than a store bought one!!  

I had very good results applying my fabric.  I washed the fabric to remove any sizing or manufacturing chemicals.  Then I ironed it perfectly flat being careful not to burn or melt any of the polyester or synthetic materials.  I carefully cut it to size.  I did not but recommend making some practice cuts on the material.  You will find that each time you open the scissor blades you can get a nick in the fabric.  I layed out the fabric exactly where I wanted it.  I placed a heavy board down the center of the fabric and folded half of the fabric over the board.  I then wet out the wood and carefully unfolded the fabric onto the wetted surface.  I set the board on the wet fabric, folded the unwetted fabric over the board, wet out the dry side and finally unfolded and placed the fabric onto the second wet out side.  It turned out perfect, exactly where I wanted it.

Fabric does not wet out like glass and must be pre wet before applying.  It is difficult to move around on wet epoxy and therefore is the reason for the dry folding and unfolding.

After the fabric's epoxy cured I lightly sanded the edges and applied the glass.  When I glass I  very carefully lay out the glass fabric  dry  and smooth it until every single bump in the material is removed.  It is a heck of a lot easier to remove bumps dry than wet.  You will also find that as you work the dry cloth you can work the weave to conform to the shape of the hull and eliminate the need for scissor cuts at many places including the bow.  Make sure your hands are dry and just keep smoothing and smoothing the glass fabric.  You will be surprised how you can form the glass weave to your hull shape.


All good ideas. The one thing I did not do that personally I would do next time is apply the fabric and then apply glass after fabrics dries.

Most dont do this and the web site info has it all done at the same time. It works doing it all at once. The bottom line with the imperfections I have is that I did not see them and fix them.

Doing only the cloth without worrying about the glass I think I would have been more focused on the cloth results.

ALso, if you do end up with a bubble (not a bump) without the glass on top I think it would be relatively easy to slice the cloth and get some epoxy underneath. This is not very likely once the layer of glass is on top.





Also agree on the practice cutting. It is not easy to do cleanly with scissors.

I actually did all of the long straight cuts with the cloth on a board and a raxor blade. That worked well.


nearly impossible for there not to be at least some minor jaggedness to the edge of the cloth.   I just did the pinstriping around the fabric a few days ago and that works great and covering up that fabric line and making a crisp and professional edge.   I can take come pics and post them if you wish.    I just used an automotive pinstrip per the suggestion of someone on this forum.    Looks nice.

Always happy to see more photos of peoples work, but I have seen them on the site also.

Mine looks pretty clean, but despite that i intend to pinstripe, I think it is a better look!


