Fighting threads on extra layers of fibreglass

When I add the second piece of fibreglass for reinforcing, I am fighting threads big time.  They ravel, and clump up big time.  Any ideas what I should do at this point?  Or to avoid having this on the deck when I do it?

Hey Kev,

There's at least 2 ways to handle this. First, cut your glass pieces large so that you can spread the epoxy to the places you need without touching the edges. Once the epoxy cures to th green stage (firm but soft, only slightly tacky) you can trim it with a razor blade, exacto knife, etc.

Or, you can lay out the glas about an inch larger than you need and mark the edges with masking tape (I like the blue stuff for this) . Make your cuts down the center of the tape and the edges won't fray. Once the epoxy has cured green, cut away the taped part with a razor and peel it off.

Good luck,



Thank you very much Laszlo!  Is that how I would install Carbon Fibre skid strips, and Carbon Fibre seam tape as well?

I think I am going to start a book called "Kayak Building for Dummies"  all the little things not included in the instructions. Hahahahaha


There is another option.  Super glue the edge of the glass or use some of the sewing "no fray" or whatever it's called to bind the edge of the cut glass.  I just dealt with the minimal "swirling" of the glass fibers because they were only on the inside of my boat, but for the outside I'd use either the glue or one of Laszlo's methods.

