First Time Wood Duck 12 project

Hello all -

I'm working with a group of middle school boys to build our fist watercraft: a CLC Wood Duck 12.  This has been quite a challenge for a group of 13-year-old boys; the parts that I predicted would happen easily and quickly have taken forever, and the parts I predicted to be a challenge came together in a breeze.  My middle name should have been Murphy!

We're having a heck of time getting all of the seams to come together perfectly in our "dry fitting" just before we tack weld the deck/tack weld the hull.  Anyone else dealt with this?  Please tell me it comes together just fine...we're nervous, to say the least.  We're super close; it's just the bow and stern ends of the deck that still just don't quite jive.  I'm thinking that we'll tack the hull, fillet the bow and stern, tack the deck and go for it.  We've already spent copious amounts of time on this step, and we've got to get moving...or else these boys will be graduating by the time we finish!

Also, has anyone ever tried "taping" the joints from the outside, in order to keep any epoxy from oozing out of the joint?  For the most part, our seams/joints are tight, but there are still plenty of spots where the gap is 1/16" apart.  It's not much, but I can see the epoxy creeping out, which will lead to more sanding (especially on the underside), which will take more time.

I'm wondering if we tape the seams from the outside - would that help?  Or would the tape just stick to the epoxy, causing a new level of voodoo?  What all have you tried with success?

Thanks for any advice...



Wet the wood well on both sides and it will bend better.  Still tough, but certainly easier.

When taping from inside, use packaging tape on the outside to keep excess epoxy from oozing out.  But remove plastic tape as soon as possible.


Good luck.



Thanks, Rich -

What do you mean tape from the inside?  When fiberglass taping?  Can I just use regular 2-3" shipping tape?  Or do I need some special tape?

In regards to the tight fit, it's the sapele deck piece joining the sheer panels that just isn't right; I'm off 1/4" or more.  Any other ideas?  I'll sure try the soaking it in water.  That seemed to work well on the bow/stern side panels.



Sorry Tucker, but I read your message too quickly.  I thought you were closing the bow and stern.  I can't help with the deck problem because my boat was a hybrid.

I highly recommend "Building a Wood Duck 12" site. Don't know the address, but a search will find it.

Sorry about the misunderstanding.



Tucker–I used packing tape on the seam joints on the outside to contain the epoxy from the inside.  I removed it soon after the expoxy was taking a set with no problems–hope this helps–CZ

Tucker, good on ya!  I think it is a great experience for young boys to be introduced to boat building.  Built my first with my older brother when I was 11.... still have her.

the building a wood duck site:

Yes tape the outside before tack welding and filleting, I used blue painters tape, couple spots between stitches where there were gaps for tack welding then full "stripes" for filleting.  It is no problem to leave until after the epoxy is cured.  Also used it for the bulkhead, had a good 1/4" gap (building from plans).  And yes, the bow and stern were an issue for me, ended up with a gap just ahead of the sheer panels, ended up filling the gap with some wood flour thickened epoxy and she looks fine.  biggest thing is to make sure the hull is straight before tacking.

As for getting the seams just right, use a small flat head screw driver to pry the panels into alignment then tighten the wires.  I even left two screw drivers in place when tacking the deck to the hull, a piece of string to hold it in the right place.  Heat with a propane torch to get them out, worked brilliantly.  There was a small mark that I filled with woodflour thickened epoxy, barely notice it.

good luck and enjoy!


P.S. don’t be afraid to drill extra holes and add extra stitches as needed.


Any luck?



The boys and I are working on it this afternoon; we'll be stepping into full-blast for sure, as we're starting to tack-weld the hull today.  I'm nervous.  This is the point of no return!

I'll keep you posted; I'm headed out to pick up plenty of the blue masking tape, just to be sure we have plenty...then we're jumping in right in!


Hey guys -

I've cut the fiberglass tape for the "Filleting and Taping the Interior Joints" task...and seem to be way short on fiberglass tape.

Am I missing something?

I've cut just the hull seams (not for the bulkhead), and just for the deck seams (again - no forms) and I've got only about 4' left.

There looks to be a very small roll in my hardware package, but I thought that was to be used for the mounting of the footbraces.  Am I wrong?

I suppose I could cut some additional strips from the large sheet - but hate to do that.

Pics coming up - hopefully.


Can you see these pics?



Let me try it once more:

Click here to see what I've got laid out so far.




If all you've cut so far is what you have in the pictures and you only have 4" left, you're way short. You need a good 20" to attach the deck to the hull. You need to check your boxes and if you don't have any more rolls sitting around, get on the phone to CLC and let them know what happened.



OK. Laszlo - that's what I was thinking.

I'll have to check tomorrow.  It's all down at the school.

Thanks for the input.  Were you able to see any of the pics?

What do you think so far?  Are we anywhere near what it should look like?

Saw them just fine. If you want to include them in the post, leave off the IMG tags and use the insert image dialog box (icon next to the "?" icon below) to insert the URL into the message. And since this is a boating site, we're supposed to see everything through a porthole, so set the image dimensions down to less than 500 pixels wide.

They look like very happy little ducks to me, looks like someone is going to have a fun summer paddling. Wehre you guys located?



We're in western Colorado.  Beautiful place to be...but the water is going to be chilly for a while yet.  Still, I'd like to be finished with the kayak before July.  The sooner the better.

I'll call CLC in regards to the fiberglass tape.  We still have about 10' or so, but not much more.  Not sure if I just received a short roll, or if we've over-used it...but really, all we've done is tape the puzzle joints on the panels - nothing else.

I'll call them and chat with them about it right now - 



Just got off the phone with CLC customer service - now I remember why I ordered with them!

They've been GREAT in helping with this whole project, and they said that they'd promptly ship out another 10' or so to make sure we have enough.

These guys have been awesome!  

Chugging along here...