I have a problem and a solution. Just want to make sure I have the best solution. I am changing foot braces. Old are plastic and forgiving where the holes are located. The new metal are more picky. My hole is 1/8" off.
Should I back this with glass and fill the hole with wood flour/epoxy? Then re drill?
Mabe fill the holes and istall the new braces on blocks to avoid going through the hull again.
I would drill the hole bigger, fill it in, the redrill. We don't want the wood wicking in water. If this makes for too big a patch, yes, a piece of glass cloth wouldn't hurt for backing, extra strength.
ChrisJ, what did you use for thickener for your fillets? I don’t think I’ve ever seen any that light before. Did you use bleached cooking flour or something?
Secret recipe of seven herbs and spices....no, really it's my combination of West System filles....some colloidal silica, some micro fibers and a pinch of micoballoon for bit of colour. Go to http://www.westsystem.com for more details on thier products. The potion I came up with applies real smooth with no lumps and I like the blended look as opposed to the stark dark brown of just wood flour. Here's a better look at the MC16.5 interior.