The instructions for the SW say to apply the fiberglass and epoxy. Then it says the time between the 2nd and 3rd coats of epoxy to fill the weave need to be between 8 - 24 hours apart. Does that apply to the first coat also or can I get the first coat on this weekend and wait a few days before doing coats 2 and 3 and not have to get the second coat on in a certain amount of time? Thanks!
That's a generic length of time that's good for all epoxies. Check with your epoxy manufacturer if you need a more exact or longer time. For example, System Three SilverTip can go up to 3 days between coats, depending on the weather.
If you can't find the manufacturer's website, a good rule of thumb(nail) is that as long as you can dent the epoxy with a thumbnail, it's OK to put on the next coat without sanding.
The time between coats depends on temperature and humidity. MAS' doc says "recoat time can be as short as it takes to achieve surface tack. If more than 12 hours passes between coats, do a light scuff sand."
CLC in their Filling the Weave article says "We recommend a light sanding after the second coat to knock off the tops of the 'weave pattern.'"
I just put the first coat of epoxy on the outside hull of my NE Dory today. Not sure if I put it on a little thin. 50 squirts of MAS. The weave is still rather apparent to touch and feel. I'm hesitant to sand into the actual fiber.