Got My Independence Today!!!!

And I didn’t even get divorced!  Thanks CLC folks for not losing patience with me after all these months!  Nice kit!  Now it’s reading time.  Still have to put the finishing touches on my Skerry, so ole’ Indy will take a back seat for awhile, but she’s gonna be a fun project.  Good job John et al.   Best,  Bob H.

If you have any questions, send me an E-mail or post a query on this forum.  Our group has built close to thirty Indys so far, so we have probably faced and solved almost every possible problem.

We are also deep into optimizing the hull and rig for racing, iif that interests you.


Dear Friday, May 8th  (that’s how you show up in your response), I have questions already.  Please let me know who you are and your organization.  You can email me at  I’m eager to correspond with you once I get started.  It may be awhile because my Skerry is my first boat building project and I want to get her finished for launching in early summer.  However, I’m wondering if you have any advance tips on construction, tools, etc for Indy? I’ve never built a CLC kit on my own before.  Skerry was a class project at one of the week-long schools.  Couldn’t have done it without that.  But that experience also gives me confidence for Independence, especially the epoxy and stitch and glue.  I have RC flying experience, but no sailing, so this will be a multi challenging project.  I can’t even sail my Skerry yet.  Maiden voyage will be in a local pond that will be safe for beginners.  But this Indy really looks like fun and I’m eager to get started.  Am interested in hearing from you.  Best,  Bob H.