Has anyone tried this?

My garage is a mess, and I can't emphasize how much of a mess it is (it's not mine, it belongs to my mother-in-law and her kids have filled it with JUNK!!!  There's dirt/dust everywhere. 

That's ok when you're sanding epoxy, you're just contributing to the mess (and in this case, I don't mind).  BUT, it's not an environment conducive to finishing/varnishing your boat.

I found two Storage facilities that offer climate-controlled units.  I'm thinking of renting one for a month to do my painting/varnishing.  Do you think I can get away with it? (I'm thinking of the smell of varnish.)  It'd be great to be able to go there several nights a week and weekends, have a completely clean, warm room to work in, then leave in a month with a brand-spankin'-new kayak on the roof of my truck!

Anyone been there, tried that, got the T-Shirt for it?

Thanks, Larry

If you have room to build in the garage...Why not build a tent using plastic sheeting?  Floor to ceiling surrounding the yak.  Plastic is cheap.  Hose down the area to settle the dust. 



Considered that, but there's too many obstacles (a stairway to the 2nd floor, a freezer, etc.).  I figured all the traffic through the garage would defeat the purpose - eventually that plastic would wind up pressed against the boat (and I'd be... pissed?!?!).  Plus, there's SO MUCH dust that I doubt I could create a clean environment, even inside a plastic tent.

The idea of having a clean room, with a set temperature and plenty of room for the boat and finishing supplies just sounds wonderful.  30 days should be ample time to do the paint and varnish, and there'd be no worries about interruptions or accidents. 

Thanks for your reply/thoughts,


I'm going to try the plastic tent idea, but it will be difficult to hose down the floor because of all the junk in my garage that shouldn't get wet. I was thinking of using a single sheet of plastic for the ceiling, both side walls and the floor. I'll then use additional plastic sheets for each end. With a filtered exhaust fan on one end and a filtered intake fan on the other. I think it will work, and hopefully, the fumes won't be too bad with a respirator mask. Has anybody tried this?




The tent is a great way to reduce dust particles. Ceiling to floor. You dont have to completely hose the garage down, just use a fine mist spray from a pump garden sprayer. This will distribute a damp layer all over , holding any roaming particles down.


Good luck

If you try the rented space...remember the above idea from  B250 of using a garden sprayer  to wet down the floor. I am assuming a rental would not have a water supply.



Hi Larry,

Live on the edge mate,take the boat inside. http://www.flickr.com/photos/42963592@N06/3964148046/




Great idea, but there'd be unintended consequences (like fumes, drips, divorce!  I told my wife I was going to store it hanging from the livingroom ceiling... same response).

The rental space is sounding better all the time (so long as I don't get "discovered" and kicked out for stinkin' the place up!).

Thanks guys - appreciate the suggestions,



That's exactly the finish I'd planned for my Chesapeake 16.  Now I have an idea what it will look like.  I shall most certainly "live at the edge" for that finish !


for the cost of the storage building and materials maybe you could find an auto body shop to spray it then you only have to nib sand and buff if any dirt gets in

Rather than renting a climate controlled storage space I would wait until Spring and rent one that opens up to the outside. That way there is less chance of being caught as the fumes won’t permeate the whole building. I have used the garden sprayer and tent idea, only I used bed sheets and sprayed them down as well as the floor. That allows them to catch any airborne dust. It worked pretty well when I varnished my two kayaks.