The diagram in the manual is useless. The print is so small, it is unreadable, even with a microscope. And the scale is incorrect, too.
Does anyone know the correct distance from each end to place the hatches?
Thanks, Pat
The diagram in the manual is useless. The print is so small, it is unreadable, even with a microscope. And the scale is incorrect, too.
Does anyone know the correct distance from each end to place the hatches?
Thanks, Pat
If you are referring to page 10 of the manual I can surely relate. Apparently there was a printing issue. If you call CLC they will email you a high resolution copy of that page. I went thru the same thing and they were very gracious about it.
or if you email me at danielthaler at gmail dot com I can send you what I have
Thanks, Dan.
Does anyonw know if it's OK to adjust the location of the hatches? I'd especially like to move the bow hatch back to a wider section of the deck, mostly for aesthetic reasons. I realize that the deck gets more curved as you move back, and I've read some of the other posts about issues with the hatch cover stiffeners. Anyone done this? Advice? Warnings?
Thanks, Pat
Relocation souldn’t be a problem. Once you have the cutouts made I’d put an additional layer of class on the inside of and at least two stiffeners on each cover. The covers will be very light and will blow around when off when the boat is in use so you can secure a pennant to one of these stiffeners and a wood pad eye you glue to the underside of the deck. Remember to make allowances for the additional thckness of any glass you add when installing the hatch lips so that the covers will be flush with the surface of the deck. Enjoy the build and your boat. If it’s anything like my 17 and my daughters 14.5 you’re gonna love it. SEEYA Jack