I'm just about donw with kayak and have left off the small hatch rim that apparently helps seals the gasketing around the hatch. Is this needed, and is the gasketing meant to be cut to size to fit up againt the rim or to be squeezed over?
My artic tern did not have this feature and I question the benefit.
thanks in advance
The gasket should be squeezed over the rim, but the rim really isn't necessary.
I omitted the hatch rims on my SW. I thought that the gasket material provided seemed too thick, but I’m glad I used it. It compresses nicely, and makes a good seal. I also didn’t bother carving out the little drainage notch reccomended in the instructions.
perfect timing guys
your advise has reduced my too do list by one, I'm down to my last few steps finishing my shearwater; gaskets, hatch grab toggles, and seat and backrest,. I'm kindof stuck on the hatch grab toggles, I'm leaning to a small black rope.....?
I'm thinking of making hatch rims of nylon or polyester cord (parachute cord, or thinner) saturated with epoxy. Certainly easier than cutting the narrow rings of plywood that CLC recommends.