How long can I put off paint?

I understand the need to paint/varnish to prevent UV damage to the epoxy, but I just got my Skerry seaworthy and out on the water for the first time.  I don’t know if I can stomach not using her for the next month and a half while I slowly get the final sanding and painting done.  If I wait until winter, when it will surly rain every day here in NW Washington, will that be too long, or can the bare epoxy stand one season in the sun?

Thanks for the help,


There's sun in NW Washington? :-)

Keep it under cover when not in use, be prepared to sand off and re-apply the top layer of epoxy before painting and you should be fine. I'd do it if it was my boat. You're up at a high enough latitude that the sun's rays are oblique and filtered compared to the tropics.

Another thing to consider is that there's nothing wrong with sailing in the rain. Just don't do it in a storm, dress for the occasion and don't forget a bailer.

Enjoy the new boat,




Thanks for the encouragement.  I think I have enough epoxy left for one more thin coat.