How much paint for a Mill Creek 16.5 hull?

The MC 16.5 is on order and I'm currently buying and planning to buy all the other materials needed.  I'm going to paint the hull and will probably use the Interlux paint and primer that is sold by CLC.  I'm leaning toward Spar Urethane for the deck.  The boat ships on April 1 and I'd like to use it before summer is over.

So how much paint will I need?  I want to be sure I have enough of the same batch so it matches.


Check Boatbuilding Supplies section of CLC website: Tandem Kayak 2 qts paint.......

Regards, Alan

Doh!  It was right there in front of me and in regular sized print.  Maybe I should not be building a boat :wink:

I am in the process of painting my MC 16.5. I was able to get 2 coats out of the first quart of Interlux Brightside with a little leftover.  With no waste you should be able to get 4-5 coats out of 2 quarts. I plan on thinning out the last two coats with 333 to add some working time and help it to flow out but it is not necessary if you have thin coats.


dehager, I look forward to seeing some pictures of your work.

Lots of photos but still in the process of editing. I will be adding photos at the following link over the next few weeks as I wait for the paint and varnish to dry.



Thanks for the link.  Your photos are great and your boat is a beauty.  Your attention to detail and neatness is admirable.  I hope I can come close to that.  I'll be waiting for the final results.  Now, I have to ask some questions about the options you've added:

The red footpegs...I assume they are for your rudder.  I've not seen those in any other CLC photos.  Did you get them from someplace else?  BTW, I also ordered the optional glass kit for the foot braces.

The cables I see.  Again, I assume those are for the rudder.

The yellow bag is for water, correct?

I saw several bungees under the deck and was wondering their function.

Then, there is the hole on the front deck with the plastic insert.

The dye turned out nice.  I was planning to either use a dye or some water based stain on the deck and interior.  

I'm going to get the rowing unit for this one but will probably wait until next year since I haven't even started on the boat.  I also want to get the CLC sailing kit.


JeffH, hope the following helps:

Foot braces are rudder control foot braces from Sea-Dog Line. They are similar to the Toe Pilot Foot Controls that CLC sells. I chose this style because it allows you to control the rudder with your toes while keeping a fixed foot brace. 

The black bushing is the rudder pin mounting hole. I made it out of Delrin, overkill but I like to tinker.

The cord under the deck holds up the yellow floatation bags. The idea is to keep the bags in place and make room for storing gear for camping. Some places require flotation bags for safety, check your local or state boating regulations.

The dye is from W.D. Lockwood's. Make sure you thin (water it down) the dye and apply many coats to build up the color. Take your time if you stain, you won't be able to fix your mistakes if you mess up unless you paint the deck.

Enjoy your build!!!


Thanks for the explanation!  That is going to be a very nice boat.