So glassed my hull last night, everything looked crystal clear, on the center of one bottom panel i saw a little cloudy, non superclear spot but I thought it shouldnt be anything major, waited, applied 2nd coat, not sure if i overwworked the 2nd coat or it went on just fine but now blushed, white sticky tacky stuff ALL OVER THE HULL. So 1st, is this blushing or another problem, 2nd if it IS blush, scotchbrite soapy water all the hull? (having to scrub 22 ft of boat doesnt seem fun) .-.
Where are you located? Did your boat sit outside at night? The blush that I have seen is usually a transparent waxy film. That looks like water mixed or settled into the epoxy before it cured. Might help to let is sit for a day or 2 and see if it cure enough to sand it off. If it doesn't cure, and your first coat is cured, old school paint stripper to remove the uncured epoxy, and clean denatured alchohol to remove the stripper. Use that suggestion as a last resort, if you don't get all of the stripper off, you will be right back where you are now. Good luck. JRC.
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update, this white stuff was peeled with a puttyknife, scrubbing doesnt seem to work.
Fortunately I never had to deal with amine blush, but it often leaves a slimy residue on the surface. Before you begin to remove it, wait a day or two as the epoxy may not have entirely set. I've had mixes take some seriously long cure times, enough to make me wonder if I screwed up the ratio. Generally the colder and damper the weather, the slower it cures.
If it is blush on the 1st coat you may indeed have to remove both as the 2nd coat will likely not adhere to the 1st coat.