I give up on wood duck 10 hybrid

though I've build a wherry and chesapeake 17 which came out great I've reached the end of my rope with this wood duck. have completed a lot of the deck but the problem is with the cedar strips around the sides of the cockpit. if you're good at fixing problems or enjoy a challange here's a winter project  for you. all parts and supplies included except epoxy, you just have to come and get it. (central CT)

   I'm in Framingham. How much do you want for your boat? Do you have pics?



have photos but can't figure out how to post them on this forum. the boat is free but with the the condition that you promise not to sell the kit or finished boat but instead keep it for yourself or give it to someone else. 

I'm in Manchester.  Have you found a home for the Wooduck?



   not yet, still available. do you have experience with cedar strips and other boats?




I have not  worked with cedar strip yet.  I have built a pair of Charlotte glued lap canoes by Tom Hill.  I have also built a pair of Wood Ducks with the standard decking.  Also just completed a 10' Tetra rowing/sailing skiff designed by Steve Redmond Have not gotten that one wet yet.













i have not yet worked with cedar strip

  I think before giving up entirely , you should take a step back and look at some of the builds on the internet . Sometimes seeing how other people approach the project can be extremely helpful.  Here are two sites to start with.






   thanks for the words of encouragement steve but I've I've tried other posts etc. and still am stumped and am done with it. though you've built other boats as have I a cedar strip is a whole different ball game. if you're willing to give it a try give me a call (860-770-0484) and you can come over and take a look at it before deciding one way or the other. (pictures don't really do it)