Want to paint a canoe Hull bright white what’s the difference between 1 and2 part paints which one is better glossier more durable and gives better protection?
1-part paints are complete, you just stir them up and apply them to the prepared surface. The solvents evaporate and the pigments adhere to the surface.
2-part paints are like epoxy resin and hardener. You mix 2 parts together and they react to form colored polymer molecules. They have to be applied before the reaction is complete. When the mix cures, you have essentially a tough plastic colored sheet sticking to your boat.
Some 2-part LPUs have a crosslinker that you add a few drops of into the mix. That results in a very tough surface, essentially one continuous colored molecule.
Better is complex and subjective. It includes the amount of prep, the amount of application labor, cleanup, ease and appearance of touch-ups, toxicities, smells, waste disposal, etc. I'll leave that to you to decide.
Glossier depends on the paint formulation, surface prep and application skills. You can have very glossy finishes with either.
2-part is more durable.
What are you protecting against what?
Have fun,
Something like the hull of the mill Creek or sassafras used on mostly placid waters
I used Interlux Mono on two Chesapeakes with good success. It has been pretty durable and easy enough to touch up. I have no experience with the Two Part but I have no doubt that it is a great product. For me, the time/effort of mixing small batches for a kayak sized project is more effort than it is worth.
On a side note, I literally just put the second coat of Epifanes Yacht enamal on the interior bottom of the Goat Island Skiff that I am building, and I really like it. It covers more quickly than the Interlux Mono and the primer is much easier to work with. I went with this product because the next coat will be their non-skid enamal. If I had not already bought Epifanes Mono for the outside of the hull, I would definately use the enamal.