Interlux Pre Kote and Brightside Paint Temperature

I am chomping at the bit to do some painting this weekend. I have already painted the bottom of my PocketShip with Interlux 33 and that turned out pretty good. For the side panels I plan to use Interlux Pre Kote ( 2 Coats) and then Interlux Brightside per the manual. 

The specs on the Pre Kote say the low end is 50 degrees. My garage now is about 58-60 degrees. We have a Noreaster going through tonight, so the humidity will be high. 

Can I get a good quality paint job at this temperature?  Is it too cold? 
I also read concerns about humidity, but is that a real issue if you are in your garage painting? 

Saturday/Sunday is calling for high 60, so I was hoping to at least get 1 coat of Pre-Kote on possibly 2, but maybe not since I have to sand between coats. 


   I wouldn't do it.  The Prekote sucks up humidity like mad.  I used prekote on outside of my hull to deal w/ the less than perfect epoxy.  I wouldn't do it again.  You'll sand most of it off, but the remainder needs to be overcoated ASAP to avoid too much moisture absorption and that's only excacerbated by that kind of weather.  I didn't (because of cool weather) and my Brightsides on the exterior is not nearly as hard and scuff resistant as that on the inside which has no prekote.  If you have some electric heaters to warm the space up, that'll help.  If i do it again, I'll spend more time on the epoxy finish and go straight to the topcoat.  Or, below waterline, go w/ the interprotect and bottom paint for one that will stay in the water a lot.

Mummichog wrote:

  " Brightsides on the exterior is not nearly as hard and scuff resistant as that on the inside which has no prekote."

I have to wonder if that may not be because the Interlux literature on Pre-Kote doesn't recommend using it over epoxy directly?

Here's a link to their technical datasheet PDF file, from which I'll quote:

" Do not apply over clear epoxy such as Epiglass Epoxy."

More on topic they indicate a minimum 50°F ambient and substrate temp for application but that "do not apply" caveat would make me stop & ask them first.

Thanks for the feedback. I will wait to paint when the conditions are better. I have plenty of work to do and will start on my spars.    

River Ron,

I have to agree with Mummichaug about PreKote. Any benefits from its high-build capabilities are far outweighed by its moisture absorbing properties. I won't use it again. I also believe that it's too soft to give Brightsides enough support if you leave too much on.

After learning those lessons, the best finish on my Peeler Skiff is where I was careful to fill the weave --- used resin with microbaloons to fair any seriois imperfections --- and sanded the hell out of it all. In those areas, the Brightsides (rolled and tipped) looks like gelcoat. After four seasons on saltwater, all the Brightsides still looks new.



    wish I nhad read this thread a few days ago before putting the coat of pre-kote on. 90+ degrees here in Houston and 80+% humididty, now I have gum instead of the "easy to sand, powdery" high fill primer!

Damn, Any suggestions for getting it off, other than LOTS of sand paper and elbow grease?