Progressing along with the build of my NE Dory and after spending a bit of time calculating the length of the spacers I was suprrised to see that the spacer thickness is not the same as the breasthook or quarter knees [hope I am using the correct terms}. It now how's me wondering, did I cut the wrong length of wood or is this the way it is supposed to be? If so, I assume both the breast hook and quarter knees require sanding down to the thickness of the spacers, is that correct?
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I did the inwales on my Skerry a couple weeks ago, and the spacers were the same depth as the breasthooks. I would think the Skerry and NE Dory have similar construction technique and parts. I would double check that you are using the correct pieces and have them oriented correctly. Yes, you can sand down the breasthook if needed but it looks in the picture that you have more gap than is supposed to be there. As is, when you apply the inwale there will be a big gap at that first spacer or the curve of the inwale will not be right.
It seems more information is needed. Was the inwale kit purchased from clc or are you fabricating your own from scratch? I thought was spacers in the kit from clc were already cut to size.
Ok...thanks for the replies. The spacer kits was purchased from CLC and there were three lengths off wood, taped together marked IW. Since there was no scarf cut I assumed these were the spacers. From reading on the CLC site, the inwales spacers are not pre-cut. Actually John's instructions on installing them indicates that they had to experiment a bit with different sizes.
The only other longer pieces of wood I have are two bundles of 6 pieces each. Each bundle contains 2 short pieces, approximately 47" and 4 longer ones, approximately 96" and each has a scarf cut at one end. I assume these are the rails or outwale and inwale. If CLC is sending the spacers pre-cut, I certainly didn't get them and if one is required to cut them, which I think is the case they very well could have sent an incorrect thickness. When I received my order it was not correct and it took CLC re-sending several of the components, twice. Hope this helps....
Correction, I have 3 bundles of longer wood left.
Boy would be nice to be able to edit a post!
....the first photo above states, each bundle has 2-48" and 6 - 97" pieces per bundle. It should be 2 shorter and 4 longer for a total of 6 pieces per bundle. Sorry about the confusion.
The spacers were not pre-cut. In the Skerry kit, there was a piece that did not need to be scarfed and that was what I used to make the spacers. I had reached out to John to see if there was any new information other than doing 2 inch pieces spaced 3 inches apart. He said that works best recognizing the spacing issue at the end. I think I ended up with about 2 1/4 inches spacing for the last 2 pieces. As he said, you really can't tell the difference.
My suggestion would be to call or email CLC directly. I sense that although John reads these emails, he probably gets to them less frequently than they get to the emails that go direct to them via contact us page. Either they will clarify for you which piece to use or if it turns out they sent the wrong piece they will help figure out what to do. There were a couple pieces missing in my inwale set, and once I figured it out with them, they sent replacement pieces right away.
Thanks smklein2, I also got several componets that were not correct in my origional order, so it would not suprise me if this is just another one of them. Per you suggestion I sent off an email to CLC. Will keep you posted once i get a reponse.
Just to close the loop I heard back from the guys at CLC. Bottom line, take a rasp or saw to the quarter knees and breasthook and shave a bit off. That was my original plan but then I got concerned when a few guys suggested I may have cut the wrong stock or perhaps not even received the pre-cut spacers.
In the end, no big deal and as usual a lot of issues on a wooden boat can be corrected with a bit of sandpaper or good saw. Thanks for the responses.