On my second wood duck, a 10 and 12.
Had to order more epoxy/ hardener for the first one. Just order more for the second one.
My 10 footer came in at 35 lbs rigged out, so I dont think I am getting caried away??
Not suprised i needed more for the 12..Wasnt going to use less than the 10.
Might be me, maybe i am wasting some in every batch I mix?? dont seem to have a lot left over from the individual mixes though.
Wondering what others have experienced.
I just completed glasing the hull of a Mill Creek 16.5. I’m now at the stage where I will be installing the four deck sections. My boat came with the MAS #2 kit and I just opened the second container of resin this afternoon. I do admit that I also used two (or was it three) tubes of West Six-10 epoxy for scarfs and fillets. With this much resin left, I think I will have extra.
I don't know about other boats but I built a 16 Lt adn 17LT and had epoxy left over from both.
just finished my first kayak a petrel i have resin left but almost no hardener
My first kayak was a CLC Shearwater 17 and I had to buy more resin and hardener. My next two boats, one of which is similar to but slightly larger than the Shearwater, used a lot less epoxy. It also came in four pounds lighter. I think that the kits provide enough resin for an experienced builder, but that beginners tend to use too much. On that first boat, I repeatedly mixed up too much per batch; made my fillets too big; laid on too many coats of resin; and had to remove improperly mixed resin. Part of the problem was wildly inaccurate pumps - I now pour the resin and hardener into small measuring cups and on my latest build, had less than two ounces of resin left when I ran out of hardener. The instructions also encourage overuse of resin. This may be a CYA approach, but experienced builders don’t fill the cloth weave inside the boat and use much smaller fillets and end pours. -Wes
I’m a first time builder and I will probably have to get more resin/hardener to complete my Wherry, not a whole lot more though, a quart should do it. I had some waste but not an excessive amount … I think. Then again, I also had to get some more cell-o-fil so maybe I am using too much. It will be interesting to see what it weighs in at when done.
Thanks for all the feedback. I never miss by much, so I guess it boils down to experience, size of fillets etc.
Happy Paddling to all
I had to order more epoxy for my Wood Duck 10 last year. This year I am working on a Wood Duck 12 hybrid and have ordered more (half gallon resin/quart hardener), and may just have enough to get through to completion. I even followed Nick (or is it Eric) Schade's advice in the manual to use Titebond to glue the deck strips! I also got shear clamp strips from CLC this time to avoid that nasty job of trying to put in fillets to mate the deck to the hull all the way to the bow, which would have been that much worse with the extra length.
Incidentally, Titebond is a great way to go - easy to apply into the cove straight out of the tube, one-part, water clean-up and sets up fast.