Jimmy Skiff excess transom?

Hi all,

First time builder here, starting from a kit. I have a quick question regarding 2 quirks on the skiff so far. 

1) The side panels don't meet cleanly at the bow, I suspect I have a small offset with my drilled holes. One side stands ahead of the other leading to a stagger rather than a clean joint. The plan is to measure and drill a few new holes on the shy panel and scoot it forward, locking the 'correct' few holes down once its aligned, and using the rest of my existing holes for support. Any thoughts here? I didnt see a dramatic twist or anything else that could explain it. 

2) There seems to be ~1.5cm 'too much' transom even relative to the panel which is set further back. The plans dont seem to indicate that there should be any of the bottom panel protruding out from under the bottom of the transom ane side panels. I don't See a way that I could make up the distance at all by shifting the panels around. 

I'm hoping I messed up something obvious, unless theres excess on the bottom board to be planed off or some degree of panel gap is considered acceptable at the joints.

Thanks in advance

Thinking this through a bit, it occurs to me that perhaps I didn't have enough of a bow in the bottom panel. I did place it between two sawhorses as prescribed, but it seems more art than science determining the optimal bend radius.

This go around I will retry stitching the hull starting with tightening the bow and transom panels and cinching the bottom panel last so I can adjust as necessary.

Will come back with some pics whether it works or not!

Sounds like a decent plan.  The trick with these kits is to slowly go around tightening things, give things a bit of jiggle as you go, until everything sorta jiggles into place.  Some patience that way will be rewarded.
