Joint hull with deck or cut hatches first?

My Night Heron build is going very well, but I now have a question on my next step: I have the hull and deck glassed on the inside and out, and I have the coaming lip finished and glassed, but should I join the hull and deck now or cut and finish the hatches first?

Just thought I'd ask before I glass myself into a corner so to speak!


It would be easier to cut and finish the hatches now while you can still work on the underside of the deck.  Plus then when you join deck and hull you'll have two more access points to smooth the tape on the inside. 

What do the instructions say?



Ok, Ok, Ok,

I see on page 118 of Nick's "The Strip-Built Sea Kayak" he gives very clear directions on "Making the Hatches", and I guess that answers my question.

Thx Laszlo and Nick,
