I want to put a fin box into my Kaholo 12-6 as I plan to use it both for surfing and flat water paddling. I am not sure the best way to do this.
I think I am going to build a box utilizing 1.25" pine glued to the inside bottom and braced to the frames, I'll leave enough space to glue the box in after I fiberglass the hull. Will this work? If not what is a relatively easy way to do this?
A few threads have discussed doing just this. Here's one with good pictures:
A few (self included) had good luck installing a solid block and then routing a cavity for the fin box after selaing up the box (and before glassing).
Good luck,
Thank you for the link to your thread. I like the idea of using the balsa.
When you say "sealing up the box" do you mean after gluing the balsa in?
Did you glue the fin box in before or after fiberglassing the hull?
I should have said "after sealing up the board." I installed a solid block of cedar (I had cedar on hand and it wasn't significantly heavier than balsa) then installed the deck flush with the block. This way I had solid wood from hull to deck in the area where I wanted the fin box. I then used a router and pattern bit to (easily!) cut out a perfect recess for the fin box. Fit like a glove. The fin box I used had a groove along its base to key into the thickened epoxy I used to glue it into the recess. The fin box also came with tabs to hold the box about 1/8" proud of the board. After the fin box was glued in place and cured, I sanded down this lip so the box was flush with the hull. I used a piece of masking tape to cover the slot in the fin box, then glassed right over everything. Before the epoxy had fully cured it was easy to use a razor to cut away the glass just around the tape, revealing the slot.
Worked great. I only wish I had made the cedar block a blit longer so I could have similarly added a leash cup deckside.
Good luck,
Thank you for the additional information. I took your advice and ordered a block of balsa to fit between the rear 2 frames and 10.5" finbox. I don't have access to a router so my plan is to glue the box in then use a sharp knife and chisel to remove the material where the box goes. The hull is going to be painted (I didn't do a good job on my scarf joints) so I am not worried about making it perfect.