I need to mount a deck plate but... I painted my hull and have no idea where my bulkheads are. Can someone measure from bow where #2 and #3 are and post for me.
I need to mount a deck plate but... I painted my hull and have no idea where my bulkheads are. Can someone measure from bow where #2 and #3 are and post for me.
my plans show them at 38 5/8 and 62 5/8. good luck
Thanks, just what I was looking for.
So I see some posts on they deck plates lately....what is the goal of having the deck plates? Wouldn't think a lot of storage would be needed on an SUP....but is that what you are going for? Have any pics?
I am building one now but no plates or hatches planned. Maybe I am missing a good idea here?
Car Keys, wallet, suncreen etc. Will post pics after deckplate on.
Great thanks! Would love to see one.
Larry this goes right along with what CLC told me "center of deck plate should be 35" from bow to clear all internal bracing"
Interesting...and makes some sense. Can anyone post some photos of what these deck plates look like? Do you order them from CLC or build them yourselves? Would like to see a pic of what these look like if anyone would be willig to post one!
Klaver, Ck out the post titled "Better Kaholo Photos" for a pic of a deck plate. You can get them from CLC or most marine stores. SEEYA Jaclk
Should I go with yellow pad or would that be too much?
Oh yes. I have installed those before on kayaks....didn't realize that is all we were talking about. With one of those installed couldn't I skip the breather tube and simply open that up for time to time to releive any pressure build up?
Some of you talk of bags under these plates...I assume you just mean a small mobile dry bag or something so that when you open the plate you have full access to the interior and it can dry out. Correct?