Kaholo Catastrophe... Repair assistance needed

So I'm performing the final sanding on my K14 and it slipped off the saw horse onto my lawn.  For the life of me I cannot figure out how this hole happened as it landed on one of the skegs, nothing else.  The sound was sickening, I thought a skeg broke off, alas no, the skegs are solid as a rock still but the back of my K14 is a disaster.  

I'm welcoming any any and all thoughts on fixing this.  My initial thoughts are:

1. Get the depressed pieces back to level best I can.  

2. Mix Cabosil/epoxy and try to get everything glued up and solid

3. Make a double thick sheet of leftover fiberglass and lay it over the entire width of transom.  Wet that in.

4. Fill any depressions with extra epoxy

5. Sand and pray


Good plan?  Bad plan?  Thoughts?




Painted my bottom and most of the way up the sides in black.   Looks great and make the top and fins stand out and shows off the wood grains.

You can always paint the bottom or paint a design that covers it and no one but you (and of course all of us) will know.  Everyone will comment on how beautiful your work is. Even after it gets scratched and dinged.

I have some glass patches on the bow of my kayak where I have beached a few times to many. The patches were thrown on, old epoxy, slightly grey in comparison to the rest of the kayak, not even sanded smooth, and no body even notices.




I'm at about the same point in my build.  If that happened to me, I think I'd sit down and cry.



Another try at the image




You've got the plan - it will be easier than you think. Drill small holes and insert wood screws in them to pull the depressed pieces back in line. -Wes