Kaholo hatch

I am going to build a 14" Kaholo this winter and am thinking of using an 8" Hobie twist and seal hatch instead of a 6" hatch. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. Also any thoughts or ideas on the Kaholo would be appreciated. Thanks.

I have used this hatch (6") as the day hatch on my CH17LT.  It works great  and is a good hatch for the purpose.  I find that it works best with a squirt of 303 or Armorall to keep it working smoothly. 


Things to consider (esp for putting on a Kaholo)

The hobie hatches extend deeper into the hull than a deck plate. Not alot a hull space in the Kaholo to start with.

With the lip around bottom of the Hobie hatch, the pass thru diameter is not 8", probably about 6.50-6.75". Pass thru diameter of the 6" deck plate is just a little under 6". You could probably cut some of the lip away on the Hobie if you really wanted.


You would probably gain more by going with one of the rectangle shaped hatches with a twist type latch mechanism verses a deck plate than a 8" Hobie hatch verses a deck plate.

Or just go with a bigger deck plate.




I have a Necky 8.5 x 11 egg shaped hatch with rubber cover  (inside opening: 9.25 x 6.25) that I thought I might use, but never got around to it.  I will be happy to part with it for $30, (you choose shipping method & cover shipping expense).  I am in Washington State 98520.necky hatch

hmm, not sure I understand how forum formats images.  maybe you can see hatch rim in this one?

If interested contact me at



Thanks for the responses. The reason I considered the Hobie is the accessories made to fit their hatch. I will consider all of these as the build goes on this fall/winter.